Tag Archives: William Faulkner

The Faulkner Journal

The Faulkner Journal is a biannual scholarly journal published by the University of Central Florida. This journal is affiliated with the William Faulkner Society—an academic society that sponsors regular panels at MLA and ALA conferences, and is dedicated to fostering the study of Faulkner from all perspectives, and to promoting research, scholarship, and criticism dealing with his writings and their place in literature. Accessible to TTU students through the Humanities Full Text database, this journal is aimed at those seeking a peer-reviewed forum for the scholarly study of William Faulkner’s life and works. Journal articles published in 2003 or later are available in both PDF and HTML formats as compared with older articles only available in HTML texts. No titles are held in TNTECH print, but print text may be bought online at The Faulkner Journal website (UCF). Articles are also available audibly online through the TTU database with options of an American, Australian, or British accent. The journal publishes general issues twice a year, but may also publish special double issues on topics such as Faulkner and Death, Faulkner the Reiver, and Faulkner and Latin America.

Individual issues of The Faulkner Journal generally include an introduction and then 5-6 articles that apply literary analysis to Faulkner’s literary works. The criticism incorporates all of Faulkner’s work, but in terms of frequency, is aimed at Faulkner’s novels, with the most frequent titles mentioning Absalom Absalom!, Light in August, As I Lay Dying, and The Sound and the Fury. Standard issues generally range from 90-120 pages, but special topic issues are combined as yearly compliments (Fall/Spring) that extend to around 190-220 pages. Over time, the length of the individual articles remains varied, with the most recent issue having article lengths of (2-22). Most articles are fairly short in this respect, with only a few, such as Vol. 17 issue 2 published in Spring 2002, reaching over 50 pages long. The majority of articles are written in a way that achieves professional distance, and authors will briefly explicate other theorists’ concepts for clarity.

Some issues may include, when necessary, an obituary tribute towards a Faulkner scholar that has recently passed away, such as scholars Jim Hinkle, Noel Polk, and James Watson. These articles typically are a biography of the scholar, and they explain the relationship the scholar had with Faulkner’s work. Issues end with information about contributors and a descriptive list of abbreviations for texts to be cited and to which essays published in The Faulkner Journal will refer. For example, AILD is the text abbreviation for As I Lay Dying and R the text abbreviation for The Reivers. Extensive Works Cited information is provided in every article. In terms of aesthetic quality, the cover illustration has changed from sketched portraits to a more contemporary and professional literary design, as does the interior design of the journal’s layout.

The current editor of The Faulkner Journal is Martin Kreiswirth of McGill University, with Joseph R. Urgo of St. Mary’s College of Maryland as Co-Editor and Dawn Trouard of University of Central Florida as executive editor. The Faulkner Journal also has an international advisory board composed of scholars from Emory University, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Université de Bourgogne, and Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines, among several others. This international board diversifies the quality of the Journal thus making it a globally analyzed and respected resource.

In short, The Faulkner Journal is a diverse resource for consulting scholarly criticism on the many literary themes and concepts found in the writings of William Faulkner. it is directed towards the most knowledgeable Faulkner experts for publication, as the current editor Martin Kreiswirth has claimed, “it is the goal of The Falkner Journal to publish the very best academic scholarship on Faulkner and his context”(3).

Works Cited

Kreiswirth, Martin.“Note from the Editor.” The Faulkner Journal 26.2 (2012): 3. Web.

6 Oct 2013.

The Faulkner Journal. 12-26. (1997-2012). Humanities Full Text. Web. 5 Oct. 2013.

UCF English. Faulkner Journal. University of Central Florida, n.d. Web. 9 Oct. 2013

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