Tag Archives: Video

BBC Shakespeare Plays

BBC Shakespeare Plays

By: Ambrose Video 2.0

 Available as a TTU Volpe Library Database, this resource is a portion of the Ambrose Video collection in a 2.0-viewing format that allows students to stream the video content for free. Ambrose contains all of Shakespeare’s plays, provided in alphabetical order, and the videos are available in different stages of screen viewing (small, medium, and large). The top of the page gives a quick excerpt on the program stating, “Shakespeare is rightly called the world’s greatest playwright for the soaring beauty of his language, for his profound insight into human nature, for the truths he dramatized and for the realism of the characters he created. He was, and remains, a superb entertainer.”

“FAQ” covers the technical details such as “Viewing Your Videos,” “Accounts & Licensing,” and “IP Address and Proxy Authentication & LMS Integration.” At the top of the page there’s a “Home” tab that will direct the viewer to more content. To get back to the plays go under “Screening Room”, click on the link under #16 (BBC) and the site will take you to the plays. This tab also provides all of the other available shows on the site.  Overall, the navigation of this website is pretty basic, and accessible to non-students, students, and faculty, though not all content is free –just the Shakespeare videos:


(If there you have trouble with this site go to this one and click on the BBC link to the right: http://www2.tntech.edu/library/research/databases.asp?subject=B)

On this site, the viewer might recognize some of the better well-known titles (Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and A Midsummer Nights Dream) as well as some of the lesser-known works of the Bard (Love’s Labors Lost, Titus Andronicus, Merry Wives of Windsor, and The Winter’s Tale). Shakespeare’s plays are divided into five acts, with the option of playing them all at once or separately. The site provides “Chapter Details,” a “Metadescription,” and “Keywords.” To the right is a medium-sized viewing box, and on the bottom left is a smaller box that provides different methods of citing the page including MLA, APA, and Chicago Manual styles.

There are a few names that you might recognize such as Helen Mirren, Anthony Hopkins, and Patrick Stewart. Other actors include Ben Kingsley, Claire Bloom, and Bob Hoskins just to name a few. The casts promise exciting and authentic Shakespearean viewing experiences.

Ambrose Video is a legitimate, educational resource for students to utilize; however, the only free version currently available to TTU is the BBC Shakespeare series. It can be found on the TTU Library page, under Research, click on Databases, click on English/Literature Studies, and on the right is the BBC Shakespeare Plays link. Overall, with the backup of IRIS and Ambrose, BBC Shakespeare Plays are a great resource for all students to use while at TTU to get more personal with the bard, get a visual of his works, and further their knowledge of the time period.

Works Cited

“The BBC Shakespeare Plays.”1984. Ambrose Videos, Inc. Web. Oct 03, 2013.

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