Tag Archives: Nineteenth Century Literature

The Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe

The Selected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe; an anthology of projects and works that this monumental writer accomplished in his life time. This first edition anthology, is a helpful guide to people studying Poe’s writing. The collection was originally published in August 2004 by Norton Critical Editions and Purdue University; edited by G.R Thompson, the book has proven the test of time to be useful in the classroom. The book features fifty-seven documents that Poe worked on during his profound career, that helped shape American Literature in the Nineteenth Century. Some of the works the editor included are: “Tamerlane”, “The Raven”, “The Cask of Amontiado”, “Hop-Frog”, etc. The editor hand-picked some of Poe’s famous works, and some lesser known works that are also profound. Another interesting thing that was included in this edition are various critiques from Poe that he wrote during his time as an editor. One of the critiques that was included critiques is Poe’s review of Nathanial Hawthorne’s work. The editor also includes a biography about Poe’s life at the beginning of the book to show case his state of mind and the time period when he wrote some of his famous pieces. 

One great tool that is included in this anthology are the foot notes. These help readers understand the features included literature by citing old language or other works Poe mentions in his writing. This anthology is an essential piece for anyone who wants to learn more about Poe and his works. It includes projects that Poe works that most people have heard of such as “The Raven”, but it also includes lesser known pieces such as “Mezengerstein”. It can also be a useful tool to use as an instructor in a classroom. On the publisher’s website includes a link for educators so they can access study guides for quizzes or tests. 

The book’s inexpensiveness, and availability on several websites makes it a great

asset to students and educators. With the extra information added to the edition, it makes understanding something from a different time period easier for students. Having that extra information also helps educators, because they have reliable information with the texts. Overall this book’s a useful tool to have in a classroom, or to   gain a deeper understanding of Poe’s work.

Poe, Edgar Allan. The Select Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. W.W. Norton & Co., 2004.

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