Tag Archives: Byron

Byron Journal


                The Byron Journal has been in publication since 1973 semiannually in June and December. Based at Liverpool the Byron Society holds responsibility for producing this amazing journal for interested Byron scholars and college students around the world. As considered the top international forum for Byron scholars, the journal produces articles and notes pertaining to anything associated with Byron.

The Chief Editor for the Byron Journal is Jonathon Shears. Shears has a doctorate and currently holds a professor position at Keele University. The remaining editors and advisory editors include many professors and doctors of Literature.

Submissions for this website have many guidelines that one must follow in order for that particular submission to be accepted by the Byron Journal. Any articles submitted must not have been published before the submission. The copyright will be in ownership of the journal and any publications of the submission to any other company must have the permission of the editors of the Byron Journal. Some contents of this journal include: N.E. Gayle’s “Don Juan and the Dirty Scythe of Time”, Madeleine Callaghan’s “The Struggle with Language in Byron’s Cain”, and Elizabeth Stewart-Smith’s “Hours of Idleness”.

This journal would be very useful for a variety of different people and professions. Any student doing research into Byron and his themes would find this journal very useful. This journal is peer reviewed and has a very high reputation, as evident in the longevity of the journal . Scholars and professors of Literature should find no problem in using this journal as a very reliable resource for studies and for lectures.

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