Seeking a Job on Social Media

This resource is titled Job Seeking on Social Media: Using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to Find Your Dream Job by Noe Spies. This book looks into all of the ways that should set up your social media page allow interviewers and jobs  to see the best version of you. This could come in the form of how you post, how you set up your page’s structure, and so on. This coaching allows for people to be able to feel confident in what they post, and not fear of how their presence on social media looks to potential jobs. I think that this is very important for English majors because it allows them to know the dos and don’ts of social media when you are using it for a job or career position. With social media being such a large part of the world today, especially in terms of how you get a job, this serves as a vital tool to all English majors. For example, one sections of this article, titled “Be Visible, Active, and Involved,” seeks to inform people of how to keep their accounts active and appropriate for potential bosses. (Spies, p.1) This art of the book is very important, because it allows readers to understand how you should post on your social media that is appropriate for the work place. This book leads to help introduce people into the different aspects that they must look at when applying for a job, and how their social media should reflect the best parts of themselves. This book’s main takeaway is the very invaluable information that it offers an English major. It allows for them to grasp the different ways that their social media can influence the people that they will be sending their applications too. It offers other tips, such as the one about networking. In the book, it states, “Once you have crated your small network, you have to maintain it! Talk to people and offer your opinion where relevant.” (Spies, p. 2) This part of the book teaches you how to manage your circle of friends, and ensure that you know how to spread the amount of people that you know. In closing, this book allows for many different types of tips and information, tips that will be very important to students who are up and coming on graduation.

Works Cited Job Seeking on Social Media: Using LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to Find      Your Dream Job. 50 Minutes, 2015. Web.

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